Improv everywhere best game ever

Offering self-defence classes to teams also has the benefit of helping with team bonding. Clay pigeon shooting and other country pursuits offer valuable experiences for team bonding, especially it would seem for normally-city-based teams.

Clay pigeon-shooting is challenging but fun. Teams will bond as they follow instructions together and trek to their shooting spot. Afterwards, they will enjoy talking about their wins, and comparing who has been most successful. Ever wish you could run off and join the circus? Perhaps your Greatest Showman ambitions centred on the idea of a bunch of misfits all bonding over flame-throwing and terrifying tigers.

Putting the illusion to one side, a day of learning circus skills together is actually brilliant for bonding. Sometimes the best team bonding ideas simply centre on having a jolly good time together. Check out local beaches or parks that allow barbecues, and head out armed with food for a cookout.

Let the good times roll and allow team bonding to simply happen, naturally. Making sure there are plenty of social events like these in the calendar will ensure that there is always flourishing fertile ground for excellent ream relationships.

This is a type of fun that is impossible to emulate in any other way and frankly, your team deserve to float their boat across the grass. Events like this allow bonding as team members discover the thrill of some speed, some shared experiences and a darn good time. Was Fred already rescuing Princess Peach when you were still in nappies? Or is shy and quiet Shania an air hockey beast? As pairs dive together into VR chairs, boss and subordinate race it out on motorbikes, and Harry proves himself to be a hoop shooting wonder, the arcade takes your cash but gives you back double in team spirit.

For an easy win when it comes to team bonding, head to the arcade. Whether you head out on a boat for a sea fishing experience, or you organise an experience on your local river, taking the team fishing will serve as a bonding experience. The pace of life slows, and you get a chance to simply be alongside each other. Indeed, fishing is how you discover the power of silence when it comes to forging connections. For teams in fast-paced high-pressured environments, sometimes dialling things right back can be incredibly potent.

If your team is able-bodied and up for a challenge, then going rock climbing together is a great team bonding experience. Being scared together is social glue. Going rock climbing is an active bonding experience, but a good one if your team is up for it. Are these the pilot missions you guys did last year with NBC that were not picked up by the network? NBC should have picked it up. The musical chair and this one are good prank to be on national tv. Thank you for doing this. I have to say, this was a great improv.

Using an event. Any event and exagerating the atmosphere thereby increasing the excitement, enjoyment, and overall impact of the event is just awesome. It made my day a bit brighter, too… to know folks out there still do really good stuff for laughs. Great job! Simply awesome. This rocks so hard it defies adjectives and fancy words. For a few minutes I was thinking I might have been the only one with tears in my eyes after watching you make a lifelong memory for these children.

I love how everything just came together to make an amazing memory for the kids. This was awesome. You guys are trully amazing.

Please, oh please…. I actually thought this was pretty lame. It was too much, and so it lost the grit and awkwardness that makes other missions so cool.

I think if you try to hard to make people happy, it all feels a bit saccharine. You guys are amazing. Thanks for showing us how it can be done. So awesome! Way to go, peoples. Truly an awesome feat! Absolutely fantastic. I was bawling by the end with happy tears. Keep it up guys! What a fabulous thing to do for these kids, they will never forget that day!

This is unbelievably amazing. As a board member for my local little league, I can see how this would positively affect these kids for the rest of their lives. I especially enjoyed the comments from people who are unable to appreciate people doing something nice for the kids even if by doing so the group had to deviate from their normal practices.

I wish I could live as sad of a life as those poor folks. Truly electric improv. My smile is sewn on for the day. And keep up the great work and art you create so well. Just an observation. You have pulled off something that theese kids will never forget.

I thank you from every cell in my body for all of the planning and effort that you put into this. Actions like these will help to heal our society. Wow, my brother is just obsessed with how cool this mission was! He plays little league baseball and he keeps asking why something like this never happened at one of his games LOL! Seriously awesome. Such a terrific event for the kids, the parents and yourselves. You should all fall asleep with satisfied smiles on your faces.

You done good. What a great mission, to just up the joy in the world. Well done. You guys got me all teary in the middle of work — not fair! I think that this was truly a tour de force but also quite awe inspiring or, rather, awesome. These kids were old enough to understand the pretense and the reality so that in the moment they felt like stars and in retrospect they will still feel like celebrities.

It is entertainment without a cost — in fact, the participants are rewarded with an experience to remember. IE seldom maybe the Best Buy management team lost a little credibility inflicts a cost from your unsuspecting audience like Punked or Scare Tactics, and you usually give back a positive memory, a laugh, or both.

You guys definitely stepped it up a notch! It was an interesting departure from your more covert operations, but a nice change of pace. You guys made those Little Leaguers lives. Oh my god. That was the best improv ever!!! Like all of you above me, I was smiling and tearing up at the same time.

You made my day. Long time lurker, first time commenter. They will remember that their entire lives! Regardless, I love IE and everything you do, I just thought this was so heartwarming that I had to post how great it was.

Any plans on putting the broadcast and footage from the other cameras onto a DVD? I would love to watch the whole thing from start to finish as if I were re-watching footage from when the White Sox were in the World Series.

It would also be then great to give the little leaguers the DVDs as gifts. Great mission IE! Oops, I suck at the Internet. Sorry about that. Every last person that was in on the event the scene, if you will was there because they wanted to make a memorable event for those kids.

The Mudcats and the Lugnuts had a memorable game. And that is all that matters. Taking one slice out of time and making the most out of it, injecting some more heart. Expensive cameras and graphics and all. Once again, Improv Everywhere shows how absolutely awesome and inspired they are.

Congratulations on a successful mission. I think this was your best idea yet. I love you guys so much. I really would love to join the team. Thanks for all the hard work guys. Reading this site always makes my day. Great concept, great execution, and a totally random positive thing to inject into an unsuspecting world Dang you guys! Me and my best friend in 3rd grade would play home run derby for hours, pretending to be our favorite players Jim Palmer of the Orioles and Kenny Landreaux of the Twins and Dodgers.

This brought it all back again — awesome, totally awesome. Thank you. I am a theater major, so I am all for living in the moment. I hope one day I can take part in one of these preformances. It would make my life!

But this was above and beyond; without a doubt one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Trust me when I say you all made an huge impact on the lives of a lot of people that day; one they will take with them always. And not just the kids. God forbid my child ever becomes terminally ill and eligible for the Make a Wish Foundation. Rob should have shown up, lost from his running adventure and proceeded to get lost again in the stands.

This was beyond awesome. I got goosebumps looking at how excited the kids where about the whole thing, and I have to admit I even got a little misty-eyed at the end. You guys have really out-done yourselves. These kids must have felt feet tall and not because they were on a JumboTron! There was a similar thing going on in Sweden on the 22nd of March.

No NBC stuff and no blimps, just people. Best Mission Ever! Ok Charlie, you made me cry. What a wonderful event! Huge kudos! Made me think back to my Little League Days and how blown away I would have been to have something like this happen at one of my games. That day had to be the most incredible eaperience the players, parents and coaches ever had. I can only imagine how my children would have reacted if they had gotten gaught up in a production like that.

I believe I know the answer to that, though. Guys, what you did was wonderful and beautiful because you made an unforgettable day for those little boys. From the I. Also from the I. This must be one of the pranks they lined up with the network for use in the pilot.

Amazing mission and job well done. Someone posted this on another board I belong to. Way Cool…. These kids were changed forever…. What a blessing. What a great idea and what a great country. Is this heaven? Thanks for turning this day into a Little League Field of Dreams. Many people will never stop and look just to take things in. Unbelievable as it may sound, one of the things I thought of was exactly what you have done here, and I know good and well this was your own original idea, too.

It came to me because I think little kids are the coolest people there are in the world. Celebrities have nothing on the littlest and brightest of people, who are still pure soul.

No one deserves what you did more than kids. They need unexpected and genuine kindness from the world around them, and they need unexpected and personal reasons to be truly happy. The kind of thing they think only happens in a dream. The memory of this will give them strength for the rest of their lives. I would like to make a special request that you do this once a year at a random little league event, even if, for you, a repeat may not be improvisation.

The best part is that both teams were cheered on by people who were there just for them, for the fun of it, not for pressure or competition or caring who wins. This is truly mind-blowing for me to see, and it is almost mystical that this beautiful idea found you as well. I am beyond thrilled, I never expected a surprise like this, and you pulled it off in such an amazing way.

This looks awesome. I think you guys probably have a seat in heaven reserved because of this. It is great to see kids having a great time and enjoing being kids, They will remember that day and talk about if for many years to come. This is sooo great! My hat is off to you.

Just watching your YouTube video brought a big smile to my face. Wow, that was cool. I loved your other missions, but this one is specially cool.

I loved your concepts before, but now you have my respect. Well done! Although I sympathize with the Lugnuts coach who says the next few games would be a real letdown. I first think that it must be digital editing, but then the kids and parents are pointing, seeing it too.

Great filming, felt like I was there. I wrote this to thank Charlie Todd and all his agents in this clip and everywhere else , and Jim Gray and all the people at NBC and the Goodyear Blimp who worked as unsung heroes to make this bit of fantasy come true.

Do you have ANY idea how much you tilted the balance of good in the world, with this? To Charlie Todd and the crew of agents who worked on this mission: Thank you, you made my night. I love all of the missions that this group does, but this one is one of my favorites because of the pure good in it. Thanks a million, guys, this is something none of these kids will EVER forget — great job!

We can all do little acts of kindness in our own lives every day. That was just so special for those kids and their parents. The looks on all their faces from begining to end was priceless.

That meant so much to those kids; they work hard at school and at their extracuricular stuff for often little reward, and tend to get a bit disallusioned and uninterested in those things. What an absolutely wonderful way to positivly reinforce them all, and keep their enthusiasm up for the game as well as the work they put into it. All kids need is a little support and positive reinforcement in life…. Un saludos cordial desde Chile sudamerica. The recreaction was unbelive, is a pleasure meet your organization.

Best regards from Chile Southamerica. What an amazing mission guys. What a wonderful memory you gave the children and their parents… way to go!!!!! By far your cutest mission yet. Thanks so much for all of these — whenever another comes out it always makes my day. You guys should enlist the help of companies and corporations more often…. You guys did something that these kids will talk about for, literally, the rest of their lives.

This feature is only available to registered users. Register or sign in to use it. Sign In Register Preferences. If Only Newspapers Would Listen. Wed, Apr 15th am — Blaise Alleyne. If you liked this post, you may also be interested in Anonymous Poster , 15 Apr am. Tgeigs , 15 Apr am. Korea suspend their nuclear weapons programs, claiming, "Non-proliferation of nukes are in everyone's interest.

After all, we all know the more nukes you have, the more evil you are. Turn about is fair play. TheStuipdOne , 15 Apr pm. I don't know the legality of using their entire video for commentary, but it looks like both groups did the exact same thing. If I were a judge then I'd say that Tribune's actions in sending the takedown clearly expresses that this is copyright violation. Therefore Tribune should be fined or otherwise punished for using IE's video.

Either that or they should be fined for filing a false takedown. We now hold Oprah and the Daily Show to the same "journalistic" standards we expect from shows labeled as news.

Is this really what we want, are they really giving us what WE want? Veritas , 15 Apr pm. Anonymous Coward , 15 Apr pm. Enrico Suarve , 16 Apr am.

Erm actually I hold the Daily Show to a higher standard than most news outlets Their news is usually factually accurate and well researched where it's important - the bits which are just made up comedy are clear and the whole thing is presented in a manner which actually manages to avoid being condescending I don't disagree that this is appaling - the fact that a comedian routinely provides a better news service than the combined might of the media is disgusting.

But don't blame the comedian Grady , 15 Apr pm. This isn't the first time nor the last time Techdirt has covered a story like this. The infamous Joe , 15 Apr pm.

WarOtter profile , 15 Apr pm. Lee , 15 Apr pm. Sorry, had to ask my mommy for more quarters, but she said that the game is just melting my brain and causing me to have violent urges. But yes, you're right, at the moment it is the last time. Zaven , 15 Apr pm. Idiots of the world unite! Oh wait they already did that. They're called journalists and they've formed into groups where they watch youtube and collegehumor clips then talk about them with their peers.

Wait, is that a journalist or a immature teenager? I get these things confused all the time.


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