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Log in to Your Account. All just a few of the many items making up this set. She also includes sunscreen bottles, drinks in elegant glasses, and a sliced pineapple to complete this lavish collection. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Learn more. Image source Pools, and in turn pool parties, are two things that have become iconic within The Sims franchise. Diving can help a Sim to increase the hidden Diving skill. The Diving skill was originally available in World Adventures , which can be only gained by using the dive wells. Patch 42 introduced the skill to users without World Adventures , and also allowed children to gain the skill.
The patch also changed the maximum skill level from 5 to 2. This caused Sims who tried to use the diving board to reset if they already had more than two points in the diving skill. Diving platforms were introduced in The Sims 4: Get Together. They must be placed by the side of a pool, but unlike diving boards, do not stick out over the water. Sims can use these platforms to jump or dive into pools. Sims can jump into the pool normally, or do a backflip, cannonball, or a swan dive.
The Sims Wiki Explore. Recent posts Game news Community news. Deletion discussions Development discussions Admin discussions Admin's noticeboard. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Diving board. The blue having a dolphin design, the red with mermaids, and the green with various aquatic animals.
Everything that your virtual kids will love. This diving ladder by jools-simming is an awesome take for those looking to dive, backflip, or cannonball into watery goodness!
I love these action pieces that help spice up the pool area. Especially since the vanilla diving boards in The Sims 4 are rather generic. All I can say about this one is Simstagram will never be the same.
Well, well, well. No one ever thought a lifeguard chair would ever be needed in The Sims, let alone be used. Reason I say this is because for one reason or another, sims usually tend to die from… drumroll please…. For anyone really diving into the Backyard Stuff Pack and creating a waterpark, or just a really intense backyard pool area, this CC can help add the real-life touch of having a lifeguard on duty.