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John Jul 11, at UTC. Remember compliant is not the same as certified. Campbell This person is a verified professional. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Being FIPS compliant means that you adhere to the requirements set in the standard. Private customer data is often in great need of security and usually requires FIPS compliancy. For example, cloud servers need a certain level of protection as does software that holds critical information.
Being compliant is not a guarantee for safety, as it's not validated. A FIPS certification ensures that security. After independent and thorough testing, one of 13 NIST-specified laboratories issue a FIPS certification or validation if the product lives up to the security standards. The process takes weeks and sometimes needs redoing after failing. Getting a certification or validation can get expensive. Still, it gives you the ultimate proof that your product or service met strict security standards.
By being FIPS certified, you ensure both you and your customer's safety. See Annex C. The FIPS standards, ranging basic to high security, covers the necessary levels for a wide array of purposes. If you are needing to securely share or store files on your computer, then WinZip is the software for you.
WinZip 26 NEW! Level 1 Level 1 provides the lowest level of security, requiring no further physical security mechanisms beyond production-grade components.