Please remember to be considerate of other members. All submitted content is subject to our Terms Of Use. General discussion. I am looking for a "grabber" or way to display the contents of a server directory with links on one of my web pages without using frames or Java. I am looking for maybe XML or a simple script or include to point a part of my page to an existing directory.
Example: I want to be able to click on a link that goes to a page showing what files are available in a particular directory on my server- like a grabber of information.
Share Flag. All Comments. Collapse -. Display file directory on a web page. I think this will work. I'm trying the one above. This probably constitutes the majority of websites on the Internet, so it is likely that you satisfy this requirement. In general, if your web server the computer that your site is running on is using Linux or FreeBSD, chances are that it's on an Apache server. If your server is using Windows, your website is probably not using Apache.
All is not lost, though. You can still accomplish the same thing using a different method. Note that I'm talking about the computer hosting your website, not your own personal computer. If you're not sure what type of server your site is on, ask your web host. In addition to being hosted on an Apache web server, your web host needs to have enabled server overrides.
This facility allows you to modify the web server configuration from your own website. In practice, this usually means that your website is hosted on a commercial web host rather than a free one. Free web hosts normally don't allow websites hosted on them to change the web server behaviour. Both the above conditions must be true, or you won't be able to successfully do the things mentioned in this guide.
Protecting your directories from being listed by your website's visitors does not, in and of itself, make your website more secure.
At best, it's security by obscurity. That is, you hope that by hiding stuff from view, nefarious visitors up to no good will not be able to easily list all your files with a single request. It doesn't stop them from directly accessing those files by name. However, while you should of course implement other measures for securing your site, it's still good practice not to allow your directories to be listed by default.
That way, at least, you don't make it too easy for others to survey your site for vulnerabilities. This is especially so if you have third-party scripts on your site such as, for example, you run a blog. This setting may not be available for all kinds of Web Parts. Note: Zones on the page will not appear on the list if you do not have permission to modify the zone.
The file is displayed in a separate browser window when you click the Web Part title. The Help information is displayed in a separate browser window when you click the Help command on the Web Part menu. Display a web page, folder, or file on a classic SharePoint page. Displaying a file or a folder requires Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Link Specifies a hyperlink, folder, or file to link to the content that you want displayed in the Page Viewer Web Part: If you select Web Page earlier in this section, you must enter a valid hyperlink.
However, you cannot use a file path. Height Specifies the height of the Web Part. Width Specifies the width of the Web Part. Chrome State Specifies whether the whole Web Part appears on the page when a user opens the page. Chrome Type Specifies whether the title bar and border of the Web Part frame are displayed.
Zone Specifies the zone on the page where the Web Part is located. A list of active work group files on a server that you want to view on a regular basis. A frequently used document or spreadsheet. To edit the properties of the page viewer Web part, If you have not yet configured the page viewer Web Part, in the page viewer Web Part, click open tool pane.
Direction Specifies the direction of the text in the Web Part content. Allow Close Specifies whether the Web Part can be removed from the page. Allow Hide Specifies whether the Web Part can be hidden.
Export Mode Specifies the level of data that is permitted to be exported for this Web Part. Select one of the following: Modal Opens a separate browser window, if the browser has this capability. Need more help? Expand your skills.
Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. If by "local" you mean "Local to the webserver that is hosting your website" then you need to learn a server side programming language and your questin is too broad. If you mean "Local to the computer the browser is running on", then you can't do this.
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