When the lnk rate constant is plotted versus the inverse of the temperature kelvin , the slope is a straight line. At o C the rate constant was found to be 2.
Calculate the a activation energy and b high temperature limiting rate constant for this reaction. All reactions are activated processes. Rate constant is exponentially dependent on the Temperature. We know the rate constant for the reaction at two different temperatures and thus we can calculate the activation energy from the above relation. First, and always, convert all temperatures to Kelvin, an absolute temperature scale.
Then simply solve for E a in units of R. Now that we know E a , the pre-exponential factor, A , which is the largest rate constant that the reaction can possibly have can be evaluated from any measure of the absolute rate constant of the reaction. The infinite temperature rate constant is 4. Determine graphically the activation energy for the reaction. A: An elementary step is a single step in the overall multi-step mechanism of the reaction. Q: How does polarized light used for identification of chiral compounds?
Q: Draw a stepwise mechanism for the following reaction that illustrates how two substitution products A: How ever the given compound is a primary halide, undergoes rapidly in SN1 reaction as the intermedia A: Balanced chemical equation of a reaction is written according to law of conservation of mass.
Q: Calculate the vapor pressure of salt solution containing 20g salt NaCl in 1. A: It is given that a salt solution is made by 20 g of salt and 1.
Q: Which is true of the reaction? Br NAOH. A: The cause of the reddish glow when a gas cloud is irradiated by a nearby star.
This is because elect A: The deviation from the standard cell potential 1. Q: What is the concentration of NaCl in a solution if titration of A: Silver nitrate reacts with sodium chloride to form precipitates of silver chloride and the solution Br CH3 O b.
Br CH3 Oc If you want any Br CH3 Oc. Br CH3. A: In the cyclohexane ring, the group present above the plane are above and the groups present below ar A: The enzyme fatty acid synthase catalyzes the synthesis of fatty acids, specially palmitate, which is Q: A solution containing a polymer of an unknown structure, and with an approximate molar mass of 1. A: Given that the osmotic pressure is 5. Polymer is an non-electrolyte Q: What is a food item that contain at least 6 carbons and contain at least 2 different functional grou A: In the given question we need to identify a common food item containing at least 6 carbons and 2 di Q: The PV dilute gas diagram is shown in the figure opposite.
In this process, assuming that the intern Q: Let H2A represent a diprotic acid and let A2 represent its corresponding base. We're going to use that half life for it. So let's go ahead and just solve for the case. Let's go ahead and stay here. That part one is solved for K one and K two, and then once we have those case, we'll be able to plug them in to this equation and solve for the activation energy. So let's solve for the case using this equation.
As I said, what we can do here is actually swap these two. So bring the K up and put the half life down there So we can say that K is really going to be equal to l N two divided by half life. And remember that that we want to solve four K one first.
So let's go ahead and solve for K one first. L N two is gonna give you So t one and K one go together again. Let's go ahead and show that you want, okay? We'll go together. We want to use this half life. So we're gonna use So we have some more room here to work with. So if you plug that in, we're going to end up with a K one that is equal 2.
So we're gonna get our members. So there we have a guy. That's okay. Okay, there we have our K one. Now let's solve for R K two. And we're gonna do the same thing we did.
We just want to use the other, um, half life. So this time for our half life, we no longer want to use the one that applies to the temperature one.
But we want to use the one that applies to the second temperature, 40 degrees, and that's gonna be 1. So Ellen of two is still If we plug this in, we're going to get a K two, which is equal 2. And there we have our K two and that is it for solving for the case. Now that we have our rate constant, we're now able to plug them into this equation and solve for the activation energy.
So let's call that the next step, which is solved four activation energy and we'll do that in blue here. So now that we're solving for the activation energy we're still using Ln of K two over K one equals E a over our one over a t one minus one over teach you and notice how we already had that above.
So I'm gonna do is plug in the values that I need. So, for K one, I'm going to plug in 0. I'm going to plug in 0. We're looking for it. Are is going to be 8.
Kelvin actually wanna make some room here, guys. So let me get rid of this and then I'll rewrite it. Using the correct numbers. I wanna make sure that you guys can see everything.
So this right here is going to be equal to E a over our constant 8. And then let's go ahead and multiply that by our temperatures are t one is 2 93 0. Kelvin, remember that? I'm plugging in t one and then t two, all right. And now that we have that, let's go ahead and simplify this a little bit.
If we plug in Ln of 0. Let's keep doing this in blue And this is going to stay the same so we can leave that a Z a. And then this is going to still be a 0. Now we are going to simplify this.
So one over to And this is Degrees Kelvin embers. Let's go ahead and fix this. Alright, guys. And now we're gonna keep simplifying this again. We do have to simplify it a lot. Um, it's better to go step by step. That way you don't make any mistakes, all right? And this is going to stay the same. For now, all we're doing is solving for what's within the parentheses.