We will also discuss any of your special needs or preferences at that time. We customize every seat to fit your style and to maximize your comfort. We believe your bike should not only look good, but feel good too. When you call, here are some of the questions we ask so we can provide you with the perfect saddle.
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I have a RSV and my understanding is in they redesigned the seat to make them a little more comfortable so I don't know how that effected the fold down ability if you mount it upside down. The seat is also adjustable for the tilt to make it more comfortable.
If your taller then no problem you can leave the Utopia upright and fold it over but if Utopia offers a quick disconnect which I think they do then you really don't need it to fold over. If you go to the Utopia website listed above I sure it will tell you. Something to consider. I just installed on on my RSTD but they do make one for the 2nd gen ventures.
Slides right in and out. QUICK install. Any questions I have pics. God Bless. Backrests blow. They push you up into the gas tank You, my friend, have never tried a Utopia with the adjustable backrest Note the I've always felt the backrests pushed me too far forward.
After a few long rides, I've reconsidered my thoughts. Maybe a backrest is a good thing! Hey Mariner - I also felt my Diamond R pushed my a little far foward. I took the backrest loose from the mount, and put it back together with the slide part from the backpad BEHIND the slide part from the lower bracket. The only thing that may not work for you is this limits how low the pad can be adjusted.
But if you are tall enough to do this, it will probably be low enough for you. Try it, only takes 10 min, change it back if you don't like! I have the Utopia and love it. It works great for two up or solo. I had a Utopia For about 3 weeks It pushed me too far forward and when I tried to adjust it back further the little screw would slip off the back side of the bracket and just flop backwards It always felt too low for me and I had it adjusted for the highest setting I really don't see the big attraction with these things On long rides I found it to be a negative as it limits the repositioning I'm allowed to do without a backrest It's a PITA to get off and on the bike I've done back to back mile days and 60K on my RSV without a backrest No thanks Been there, done that.
Now if someone had a Corbin to swap for my pillowtop I would like to try out that I'm too cheap to buy one but if I found a good deal The Corbin looks like you don't need a backrest A riding buddy of mine had his Venture seat mod done by Rick Butler. We customize every seat to fit your style and to maximize your comfort. We believe your bike should not only look good, but feel good too.
When you call, here are some of the questions we ask so we can provide you with the perfect saddle. Yamaha Royal Star. Royal Star.