Scanning is a vital part of a user's work, as is the need to transform scans for use across the organization and with backend business systems. Learn more about Xerox Workflow Central Platform. Download the app.
Home Products Software and Solutions. Your Challenges. How Xerox Can Help. Destinations can include your email, Word processor, printer or simply a file folder. Windows - Installation and User Guides Includes troubleshooting and reinstallation procedures. Skip to main content. Custom Search. United States Log In. Additional Products Additional Products. Resources Resources. Supplies and Accessories Supplies and Accessories.
New Scanner Time? Shop our store for our best deals. Certain models of Equipment are supported and serviced using data that is automatically collected by Xerox or transmitted to or from Xerox by the Equipment connected to Customer's network "Remote Data" via electronic transmission to a secure off-site location "Remote Data Access".
Remote Data Access also enables Xerox to transmit to Customer Releases for Software and to remotely diagnose and modify Equipment to repair and correct malfunctions. Remote Data will be transmitted to and from Customer in a secure manner specified by Xerox. Remote Data Access will not allow Xerox to read, view or download the content of any Customer documents or other information residing on or passing through the Equipment or Customer's information management systems.
Customer grants the right to Xerox, without charge, to conduct Remote Data Access for the purposes described above. Unless Xerox deems Equipment incapable of Remote Data Access, Customer will ensure that Remote Data Access is maintained at all times maintenance or support services are being provided. Software used to evaluate or maintain Xerox equipment "Diagnostic Software" may be embedded in, reside on, or may be loaded onto Xerox equipment.
The Diagnostic Software and method of entry or access to it constitute valuable trade secrets of Xerox. You agree that a your acquisition of the equipment does not grant you a license or right to use Diagnostic Software in any manner, and b that unless separately licensed by Xerox to do so, you will not access, use, reproduce, distribute, or disclose Diagnostic Software for any purpose or allow third parties to do so.
You agree at all times to allow Xerox to access, monitor, and otherwise take steps to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction of Diagnostic Software and to remove or disable Diagnostic Software.
Supported products WorkCentre Need more support? Get answers in the Community Support Forum Join the conversation. Join the conversation. More Resources. Buy Supplies. Windows and Mac OS Compatible. Account Management.