Just make sure that you TELL him what to make, instead of letting him decide because he screws up sometimes. On the first level, after you beat Eve on the Opera Stage, go backstage and you will see the hole. If you listen carefully at the hole you will hear sirens.
Go back outside the Operahouse and ask the cop on the far right for bullets. He will give you 60 rounds. When you're at the hospital, just before you go to the 13TH floor, find the room that has the nurse who is looking for more hurt people.
Now go to the top of the room to the fallen cabinet, look behind it to find lots of tradng cards. Make sure you have room for them in your inventory. Parasite Eve Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 7 Mar pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Set in modern-day New York City, Parsite Eve puts the player in the role of NYPD officer Aya Brea as she attempts to solve the mystery of Eve, a young woman responsible for a string of gruesome deaths and accidents in the city.
Release Date. Cobra Kai Season 4 on Netflix Review. There's a good chance you missed one of these. These are seven of the hardest to find or obtain upgrades that require the Speed Booster or Shinespark upgrades. SilentCaay 11 years ago 3.
Just a note, never tried it myself but, the Inventory FAQ and I think one of the walkthroughs mentions that if you use the rare card for just one slot at a time, instead of adding both at once, you can get the kits with less cards. Like 6 and 8 or something. SilentCaay 11 years ago 4. Actually, that's probably what you were talking about now that I think about it more. More topics from this board Side Quest 1 Answer Do the good luck charms Maeda give you have a use?
Side Quest 1 Answer Is there a down side to the weapon effects 'tranq' and 'acid' modifications? Side Quest 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Make it a habit to always use every card twice when you are aiming to get a toolkit or super toolkit. Rare card uses Minimum no of cards Reward nothing 10 5 toolkit toolkit 14 7 super toolkit 8- super toolkit The erliest point in the game where you can get your 5th rare trading card and consequently a toolkit is on floor in the Chrystler Building.
The erliest point where you can get a Super toolkit is on floor You can get the toolkit first and then come back to wayne when you have 2 more cards to also get the super toolkit. So getting the toolkit does NOT prevent you from getting the super toolkit too.
However, once you've gotten the super toolkit you'll never be able to get the regular toolkit again.
Usually you don't need the toolkit when you have a super toolkit but sometimes it is nice to transfer stats or attributes and delete a no longer useful armor or weapons at once. When you use the super toolkit you always have to go into inventory and delete no longer wanted items after a transfer. Remember to store your toolkit or super toolkit with Wayne before you fight the ultimate beeing, if you plan to play more rounds of the game, so that you can retreive it on day 2 in the next game round.
If you don't store the toolkit and just keep it in the inventory it will be lost from the beginning of the next round. If this were to happen you can still get a new toolkit or super toolkit by asking to see Waynes collection from Day 4 onward.
This is because the number of times you've used rare trading cards is rememberd by the game. This way you can get one new super toolkit every round - But of course, you will never need more than a single one.
Also remember that the rare trading cards don't nessecarily need to be used for the purpose of getting a toolkit. However if you get all 14 cards, use 7 of them with Wayne. But then again, at that point in the game you will probably have encountered all the weapons and armor there is so there will probably be no need to add slots in the future.
A: They are all found in Chrystler building. Below is a list of all rare trading cards and the floors where they are found: Total number of cards Floor Cards Cardnames up till that point. A: Either you can store items with wayne from day 2 onwards, or if it is an armor and a weapon, you can ask wayne to rename theme. The following are the rules for what items are preserved when finnishing the game: Item Inventory Wayne regular keys no no chrystler b.
A: Only armors and weapons can be renamed. The first time Wayne let's you rename stuff is on day 6 on the cruiser, just before the final battle.
If you go into Ex-Round you can bring any weapon or armor that have all three stats above hundred to wayne and he will ask if you want to rename them. You can only rename one weapon and one armor at a time. This also means that when you select primary weapon and armor in round 1 you don't need to stick with them for every round after that. A: The junk secret means that you collect a total of junk, or more, over time and give it to Wayne.
When the amount reaches he will let you select a special weapon that cannot be retreived anywhere else in the game. This happens at erliest on day 4 after the police department has been cleared. If you give him junk erlier than day 4 nothing will happen. The amount will still be rememberd so when you reach day 4 you only need to give Wayne one extra junk to activate the secret if you allready gave him A: Not without cheating.
If you ask me it's not worth the time. Most of the special weapons you get from Wayne are way better than anything you get in round 1 but if you plan to take it into Ex-round I suggest you wait for the MP5SD6 machine gun which has the most slot capacity of all machine guns 7 and is of the fastest weapon type in the game. If you insist to bring junk anyway it should be for the purpose of getting the DAE50AE2 handgun which is of the second fastest weapon type but has the maximum slot capacity of It seems like most people collect junk at level in chrystler building since there are many battles with 5 crows at a time, all dropping junk when defeated.
All enemies on level dissapear once the boss on level 10 is defeated, and they will never reappear after that not even in the next round , so be careful when collecting junk there. With cheating I mean using a Game Shark or similar system, or a cheater application like PEC if you play the game on a Playstation Emulator on a computer.
A: Yes, Wayne remembers how much junk you've given him and every time it exceedes a factor of you will get to choose a new bonus weapon.
Remember that he will only do this from day 4, after the police department has been cleared. A: Not really. A: Only Narita-san has a function. It reserves a slot in the inventory that will later be occupied by the Maeda-bullets. At that point narita-san dissapears completely. The other two amulets can be stocked with Wayne to leave space in your inventory.
They will be gone once the next round starts. A: No, all player stats are cleared and set to beginner levels when a new round starts. That is why you shouldn't waste BP on player stats. A: No this is NOT true. Seems like someone started a rumor but no one ever had the energy to verify it. I'm not sure why this dis-information has been entered into so many PE F.
Q's and walkthroughs. Not saving seems like a useless risk to me. Save your game often!!! A: All bonus points not used will be saved till the next round if they are not used. If you used the bonus points on player stats, which is very unwise, they will be lost, and the stats reset at the beginning of the next round. So wheather you will use your BP directly or save them is up to you to decide, but you will not receive extra bonus points, secret game content or anything else for doing so.
A: There are three occasions where you get bonus points: When you level up, when you finnish a round and when you finnish a day in ex-round. The amount of BP you receive after leveling up is the sum of the BP you attained from the battles since last time you leveled up. Every monster you fight has a determined amount of BP that is added to your pool if it it is defeated.
The amound can be decreased if you get hurt. NUmber of battles and how quick the battle are completed have no influence on your BP pool. See the table below: Day Round 1 Ex-Round 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 The amounts are the same no matter which Ex-Round.
A: The screen won't turn red and once you reach the final exit the ultimate beeing will fly faster than normally and catch up with you, making you game over. A: You are probably refering to the opera scene where peoples eye's start illumintating in purple. Square hasn't given any clear answer but evidently something is happening to the mitochondria. A: No and Yes. There is no good or bad endning in the sence that the way you play affects the turn out.
This is the ending that people refer to as good because Well I don't to spoil it for you, but it really isn't that exciting. A: No. If you want to contiune the game into a new round you need to beat it the regular way on the cruiser, day 6. A: The main advantages the way I see it is all the guns, armors and tune-ups scattered in the storeage rooms on each floor.
Collecting all the trading cards also gives you the opportunity to get the invaluable super toolkit from wayne. Sencondly, the ending doesn't contain any new CG movies. That's all. Every 10th floor is a boss floor and contains an enemy boss. Floor 77 is the last floor in the building and also contains a boss. Every floor in section contains an armory. If you've played in Chrystler Building before you have probably noted that the maps are randomized.
The randomization occurs every time the player enters the building. This randomization only occurs the first time the player enters the building and remains constant during the rest of that round. Section 8 is always free of enemies except for the boss on floor Making maps of the floors is not useful if you come back to them later.
These floors can be remembered because they will look the same in any game, except for the contents of the armory. The Chrystler Building does not reset it self like the rest of the game when a round is finnished. If you come back to the Chrystler Building in a later round the bosses that were defeated in erlier rounds as well as the enemies and items in the armories on these floors, will be gone.
A: The answer depends on how you define an easter egg. I define easter eggs as references to out of game subjects and there are only two such that I know of: 1 There are 3 references to Final Fantasy 7, another world famous role playing game for Playstation by Square, in the game not just 2 as most guides state. A: Different values, like HP, weapon stats, inventory etc. The cheat codes you are trying to use are written to alter a specified value at a specified memory address in one version of the game.
Therefor you need to use different codes for the Japanese version than for the US one. If you've used a code that didn't seem to work, don't save the game afterwards. It is uncertain but probable that the bad cheat may have an unexpected and unwanted consequence for the game in the future. Cheat codes for the US version is easy to find all over the internet. Here follows a list of game shark cheat codes for the japanese version of Parasite Eve the codes are also applicable by using cheat software, like PEC, in combination with a Playstation emulator on a computer.
Please refer to an other guide for a complete item listing. Always use maximum care when applying cheat codes. Don't save games unless the code has proven to have the desired effect. A: Yes that's right. These items where originally intended to be in the game but was later removed.