But there might be a conflict of interests or failure ineffective coordination between the two employees sharing the job, this might lead to affecting the work relationships and lowering down productivity. Telecommuting is the most flexible of all the options where the employee can work sitting at home for a certain number of days in a week. It is done on a computer that is linked to their office.
But there are specific nature of jobs that can be performed by telecommuting for e. Whereas some jobs that are people-oriented and involve meetings of physical examination of the products might not be able to promote the culture of working from home.
It means delegating more power to employees to make their own decisions without the approval of their immediate seniors over areas of their work. It is not necessary that it is accompanied with a monetary benefit as it is a psychological tool and helps to boost the self-esteem of the employees. Empowerment encourages employees to become innovators. The employees are supported and encouraged to utilize their skills, ability and creativity by accepting accountability for their work.
This concept works when the employees are adequately trained and provided with all the relevant information. There should be conducive conditions for empowerment. Employees must be encouraged to take control of their work. Trust levels should be high between the employees and the superiors.
And there should be frequent feedbacks provided to the employees regarding their performance. All of the above measures lead to an enhanced self-efficacy amongst the employees, they tend to become more confident and self-assured. This leads to increased and effective activity directed towards task accomplishment. Participative management means involving workers in the decision-making process, it involves employees or employee representatives at all levels of decision making.
The aim is to involve those who are influenced by the decisions in making decisions. Since the worker gives his time, commitment and energy to the workplace, he should be given a chance to participate in the decision-making process.
The employee should be given an opportunity to express his views and due importance should be given to them by the management while framing policies. It is determined by the environment at the workplace. It measures the larger personal satisfaction that the employees are deriving from working in an organization.
There are few factors that impact the quality of work-life of the employees in a major way. Some of them are stated below. An equitable pay, a certain share in the profits to the employees so that they also benefit in case the company progresses is one of the most important factors determining the quality of work-life of the employees. Employees nowadays look forward to a larger range of benefits much beyond just health and safety.
Stability of employment is a very important factor to make an employee feel committed and stay loyal to the organization. Hire and fire policy, layoffs and constantly being at the mercy of the employer is strongly opposed in any organization. Various measures like an atmosphere of trust and open communication, recognition of work done followed by rewards, training and development etc also enhances a workers quality of life.
The different tools by which quality of work-life programs can be measured and evaluated are — turnover data, morale surveys, number of grievances handled, absenteeism data etc. In order to motivate the employees towards better standards and higher levels of productivity, variable pay programs play a very effective role.
If the employees are paid on the basis of time of the job and seniority their drive to excel dies down as they know that they will be paid the same amount even if they work and produce bare minimum results. Under piece-rate pay an employee receives remuneration according to the number of units produced or job completed for e. There is no regular fixed income. Since the payment is on the basis of the result and not the time spent on the job, it helps reduce idle time.
It encourages efficient workers as they are able to make more money than the others due to their high productivity levels. Under merit-based pay, there are certain criteria for which the performance of the employee is measured and rated. Good performers get motivated as they feel that they are being compensated fairly according to their individual contributions to the organization. They are motivated further to keep up and enhance their good work for career growth.
Send this online tool to your clients to help them prepare for their first appointment by thinking about their motivation and reasons for taking action. Watch videos from clinics that have implemented the tools and hear what their staff and managers have to say. Browse our selection of research articles on motivational interviewing and behavior change theory. Download this case history form to see how you can incorporate the Motivation Tools into your clinic's forms and processes.
This is from a book by the same name. It does an elegant job of showing what can be achieved by one person putting in consistent effort over time. And when you think about a team working according to this principle, well, it would seem that nothing is impossible. Check it out: The Daffodil Principle.
Commitment Changes Everything The attitude of not giving up :. Do you believe that commitment changes everything? Then you need to think again. Every goal and dream requires resilience, the trait of not giving up when times get tough. That is accomplished through commitment. What do you do when you find yourself energy depleted?
You have things that need to be done, but you can't bring yourself to get started. The energy is just not there. Are there techniques and strategies you can use to replenish yourself? Thankfully yes. There are so many techniques to choose from, it required its own page. You will find fourteen courses of action you can take immediately.
Take a look: Energy Depleted. Countdown The 5 Second Rule - This is the easiest of all the motivation techniques. And you can use it in so many situations. Let's say you are in bed, there's an early meeting you don't want to go to. All you do is countdown from 5 to 1 in the same way NASA counts down from 10 to 1. You will be amazed how well this works. And it works because you don't give your mind time to talk you out of it. Some people may need to count down from 3. Timer - The key to goal achievement sometimes is to break down your effort into manageable time segments.
Say you sat a timer for 5 minutes. You're going to work for only 5 minutes. Your mind can accept that. After five minutes, set the timer for 10 minutes. Then 15 minutes.
At the end of those 3 time segments, you've worked continually for 30 minutes. Break the time segments down to whatever works for you. Results is what we are after. Results is the name of the game. Small Steps - This tool is in two parts of the motivational toolbox because it is the most important tool used to overcome procrastination. So, now you have a full motivational toolbox to choose from.
There will be more self motivation techniques and strategies to come. So, again, you might want to bookmark this page. Go back to the top of this page on a motivational toolbox to help you succeed. Go to the Article Index. How to use other people's wisdom to solve your personal problems. Smart people have had similar problems to yours. Perhaps they have a solution for you.
The power of habits can be an awesome force that can work for you or against you. You can let your environment determine your habits or you can take control.