Mexico amateur radio license

Like Earthquake Event. Believe me all liberals in California are that stupid but hey want the government for n our homes and minds but not theirs. If no one can get the word out or call for help or organize resistance points they stand a better chance of winning. The Ham community raise the money and maintains the repeaters so this redundant emergency communication network is essentially free to the Tax payer. All one has to do is check historical data on public comms during disasters….

Cali wants the rent. Want to disable a potential opponent? Interdict his communcations. Everybody acts surprised about this but you people in California have been bending over for decades letting government encroachment seep into your lives one regulation at a time.

It might not have affected you at first just your neighbor. Then they pass another one. This is how socialism works. Government is going to keep pushing until they control every aspect of your life. Problem is FirstNet is built by and run by people who get paid, ham radio is operated free of charge. Hams do not claim overtime, or sick days. If Ham repeater or antenna system is not working, a bunch of Hams will gather, via repeaters, and go tackle the problem. The California decision by an unelected official, is disgusting, and is a slap in the face to over , licensed Hams in the US.

Next they will go after model Railroaders, or RC plane fliers that might use public land for their hobby. The decisions by elected officials there are not much better. I would have moved out of the state before I would allow this to happen to my children as some of these vaccines are illegal in move developed countries where people live much longer than the USA.

The following year in when the law was implemented some , more did move out of California than moved in. In California the MMR vaccine is mandatory for very young children but in Japan, one of the longest lived peoples on earth, it has been illegal since A lot apparently!

Oh, is that it!? Pack up and move out of California. Follow the money! No chance that the cell phone providers are looking for new prime locations without any chance of potential interference? Just a thought. Most likely the California action is a dressed up spectrum grab. The repeater frequencies vhf and uhf are prime spectrum that can be sold or leased by the state or fed.

Kill Ham radio and all this spectrum becomes available. No, amateur radio frequencies are allocated by the FCC and international treaty. Even with no repeaters we could still operate in simplex. But the operating range would be greatly reduced. Upper midwest region. Calls and texts are failing in this area among multiple carriers. Hams need to immediately begin contacting city and federal officials where access to towers might be available.

Or even private land owners. In Texas there are hams who have made arrangements with telephone companies to use space on their towers so if you could locate a private tower on city, federal or private land you might find a home. Good luck.

It is going to be a mess for a long time out there. In CT. We use water towers and many clubs own the repeaters and pay for the power that they use. They also get grants from Homeland Security to stay on the air. The problem is, these repeaters are on mountaintops and are on public land. There are no private properties up there. Water towers? We have mountains here — No water towers.

I worked for a small radio station and we rented out space on our towers as long as it did not interfere with broadcasting. Check radio and tv station towers. They work as being a midpoint between 2 radios.

Not all of are commie liberals. We are trapped in this insanity because the ruling party plays dirty politics to win elections. Cannot wait to leave this place, not a native. Left 1 Oct…knew something was coming with this yrs gov experiments burning houses with DEW. It seems ludicrous to blame the liberals for policy being made by the present conservative government. Once the inept current occupant of the oval office is replaced by an individual qualified to hold that office, that person being a democrat, republican or independent, sanity will once again reign in Washington.

Put the blame where it lies. Also the last I seen your liberals held the purse strings and the house. Again put the blame where it belongs Komrade. Our president is doing just fine. A Doctor of what???? You dont seem very intelligent to be a doctor of academia perhaps a doctor of liberal education??

You missed the point. This has nothing to do with the Feds or the oval office. The FCC issues the licenses and volunteers with their own equipment and collective dues to clubs or HAM organizations mount equipment on public infrastructure for the benefit of the community at large.

Whatever it is. This is the only way that I can calm down my psychosis… at least until the next bout of watching CNN. Your an ignorant liberal no doubt, Dr my ass, Washington has been a cesspool of corruption for a century at least, although being a Doctor you fit right in! The State of California liberals is doing this, not the current President. Wow, what planet are you on? Grow up! Howard, the FCC policy was made by the Obama administration in Just another failure to bad-mouth the President.

Not this actual intelligence or title. What an insult to Sheldon!! No where else in the country is this happening. Only in Commiefornia. Stop whining about the conservatives. It makes you look foolish. What are you talking about? Get over it snowflake his here for another term. Um we are talking about california, not the whole US. As far as US goes the libs have invaded the bueracry a long time ago since they think goverment should be in charge of everything, note leaks to newspapers and how easily obama evaded scrutiny during several scandals.

Dr Howard, this was a decision made by California state governmen which happens to be controlled by Democrats. But not to blame an entity that had nothing to do with the decision. Did you actually read the article?

This is a California state policy, not federal. The last time I checked, the California state government is liberal. Read the article again. Drink more of the Kool-aid that Newsome is giving away. The liberal left has ruined Commifornia and working pretty dang hard on the rest of the country. Because we do not have a lifetime politician in the White House, your feathers got ruffled.

That action smacks of totalitarianism. The land belongs to the People of America and CA — not to the govt. You blame the Governor and of California and the your corrupt politicians. People with your mindset is the problem in America and will be the cause of her demise.

The truth is in plain sight and Washington democrats are out to destroy America with California and New York in the forefront because of their large population. If you really understood what is on that agenda you would definitely have a more intelligent reply regardless of your political party preference.

I could care less what they call themselves I call them and all who support them traitors. Those that follow a are sheep being led to the slaughter. I walked away when they ran Hillary for President and I more than happy to vote for Trump and will do so again.

After that four year term you may very well get your wish. And you will still blame Trump instead of the far left politicians you seem to support. What is playing out in Washington has been a 20 year plot to take over our government with Hillary ushering in the final stage. Trump stands in the way and is a threat to their success. And the Democrats are pissed off and mad about it. But the political coup is going full steam ahead and to hell with public opinion to the point of threatening Trump and his supporters outright.

Yet you still blame the innocent voter with the same same voter rights as you to vote for who he or she wants to. Hillary lost, get over it.

America is better for it. This is local California policy enacted by the state government; a government I might add that has been Democrat controlled for decades, and has shown rampant internal corruption and authoritarian tendancies. This was not handed down by the federal government, there was no exexutive or even congressional order the latter of which about half would be democrats so Trump had nothing to do with this, and if he did, then please indicate how.

Hardly, there is corruption on both sides of the political spectrum. This is nothing short of removing a critical piece of emergency broadcasting. Great sarcasm, Dr. Sheldon Big Bang. Have a nice day! Dr you are the one insane. Credentialed dr. You must be a fake and a hired trouble maker. This has nothing to do with Trump in WA.

As a DR. If you are medical I would hesitate to seek your advice. If you are academia, well there-in lies the problem. The article clearly states State of California bureaucrats are kicking the repeaters out. There is nothing even remotely resembling a conservative government ruling California. And please tell me what connection this article has to do with the President??? This is a decision made by the California government, they are in desperate need of money because of their liberal support for illegals, along with a whole raft of other socialist agenda items where they take from the successful working class and redistribute the wealth to the lazy no account blood suckers, but only after the steal their cut!

Wake up man, if your toilet backs up is Trump going to be to blame for that too! Incredible the stupidity I see on the internet, no wonder this country is falling apart!!! Rampant stupidity. California is led by Democrats.

Not Republicans. This is a state issue not a federal one. You are a Doctor. Use that brain of yours. You dumb bastard, this is a state issue, Trump and Washington have nothing to do with this…. You do realize that we are talking about California, a state run almost entirely by Democrats.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this. What qualifies someone to be president? Community organizing, Peanut farming, Acting, being first lady? Give me a break. Then Anger even to the point of Rage. The final step is to accept the Truth. We observe that by your words. See Man…. You Think President Trump did this….? He is not perfect just the opposite In fact you are so wrong.

Millions of us Would Love him to. Newsome is Signing Executive orders to adopt new policies. Trump cant interfere in State Governance. Take it from me an ex Democrat Voter.

I read watch and research Everything happening. You state that want him replaced by a more qualified Candidate… Like who Joe Bidden? Oh Or Hillary Rottenham Clepto perhaps??? Do some more research on Current Democratic Hopefuls, You bumbling fool. Like dig into their political History. From when they were in college to now. Chew on this.. With Live people trying to escape from the Inferno surrounding them. They were burnt to Ashes trapped in their Cars!

Think Fool Find your Logic…. Stop smoking that gonja and clear your logical thought process. Dude Newsome is related to Pelosi…. Wake the hell up already times wasted on the Young idiots like you. That You bottom feeders religiously pay hommiage to Monthly. Go ahead I dare you to red pill yourself… I did. Brainwashing Turn it off unplug boy.

Start de MK ultraing yourself. Please wake up…. Google that.. That is who you vote for? Candadates who tell you They Want to take your Guns Away. Because 1 few lunatics who inhaled some bathsalts Lost their Brain Cells. You really sound Retarded Friend…. You are a Brainwashed Lunatic. Where did your Cognitive Dissonance begin? Only God knowes. Ill tell you Right here and now. Newsome Governs and allows Petulant ignorant fools to dictate new policies.

Therefore You are now being schooled by the People. Left to a perpetual death. No body escapes seeing them wondering the streets Arguing with themselves.

There is no comming back from their insanity…No help for them at all. But Voters like you the uneducated who believe everything that they Tell you on TV news. Wow do you not understand this a state mandate and not a federal one.

Did you mean to imply that California had a conservative government. Do you not realize the massive amount of money that has been recovered, therefore lowering the National debt?

Do you realize that millions of jobs were created in the first 2 years alone? How about the now existing trade policies with countries that formerly wanted us dead? Along comes Trump, says.. So go hide in your safe space, because the storm is coming. This did not involve the President in any way. Quite possibly, prior to making yourself look small and uneducated, check your advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrom at the door.

President Trump is playing them like a fiddle and it is a little satisfying, I must say. This is a glorious operation being played out so git yer popcorn and enjoy the show! This was a California decision. Not a Washington decision. For a DR. Kokafornia as we call it on the east coast due to all of the liberals forcing there agenda on people who never wanted them there is the first place. Ohh, I got it now, you are a butt hole Doctor sewing up the assholes of people who the government screwed.

What does Trump have to do with what the OverLords are doing in Commiefornikka? Sounds like someone has Trump Derangement Syndrome. Also… allowing the utilities company to shut off all electrical power due to potential 20 to 30 mph winds? How on earth has that been allowed? Used to be if there was a major power outage, it was considered an emergency situation! Scary, to say the least.

WTH are you talking about. It is the state of California liberal government doing this not the federal government. Amateur Licensing in Mexico On Hold? I read a short blurb in the latest QST about the licensing situation there. Apparently they are going through some kind of "restructuring" of the telecommunications regulations, which affects reciprocal operating permits between the US and Mexican hams.

But the interesting thing the article goes on to say is that there is no examination requirement to acquire a Mexican ham ticket, and that until the new rules are in place they will no longer be issuing new licences or renewing old ones.

So are existing Mexican hams whose tickets expire during this interim period, S. As I recall, the ITU regulations require each country to impose some kind of qualifying examination for its amateur licensees, but without any specified standards.

Could a "no-exam" ham ticket in Mexico be a harbinger of something down the road in other countries, including north of the border? K4KYV , Jan 22, Sure, logical - first no code than no exam. The appliance operators unite, and we shall overcame! If not, then confirmation that the licence held is equivalent to the CEPT licence is needed from his national licensing authority. Check what are the operating privileges and regulations covering the use of that national licence class in the country to be visited and use the appropriate prefix which has to be appended before his own national call-sign.

It can be downloaded from here as a pdf file. The full text can be found here Annex 2 contains the information on national licence equivalence In a similar manner, Annex 4 provides information on non-CEPT countries. The definitive website is that of ECO , referenced above. Please also note that special conditions often apply to overseas territories such as those of France. Local permission will often be required at such locations.

The full list is here Questions and Answers Q: I am an entry-level licence holder. Can I operate abroad? If you are not yet a licensed ham, you can tune us in on your scanner and get a feel for what it's all about. Come by and get acquainted!

We're here each Saturday morning at unless busy with an event. Our meetings are open to the public. We're located at N. Richardson in Roswell.


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