Starts with introduction to installed boring log templates that come with EnviroInsite. Then shows how to load these templates, make changes, and save out to pdf. Publish to the Web EnviroInsite images can now be published to the web and viewed within dedicated web controls. From within the web control, one of the previously uploaded images can be selected and then layers turned on and off. Check out this link to a web page that hosts the dedicated control and this other link to a video that demonstrates how publish to the web.
Cross-Tab Report EnviroInsite is breaking new ground with a cross-tab report generated in an Excel spreadsheet. Use the familiar EnviroInsite query tab to generate your data query and select applicable regulatory standards.
Click here to see the cross-tab report in action. Please, forgive any hassles caused. Continue Reading. ETP calculation and calculation of balances of water in the soil. EasyBal is designed to evaluate water balance per unit of soil area as a function of precipitation, the potential evapotranspiration or ETP , temperature and irrigation.
Outputs are the deficit and the recharge of the aquifer. Some extras have been also included in the new EasyBal version. On the one hand, the user can select the program language, English or Spanish.
On the other hand, the ETP can be introduced as input data or can be automatically calculated using the Hargreaves and Thornthwaite methods and graphically compared with the input data, allowing the user to select the best option in the menu or graph.
Moreover, depending on the original data daily or monthly , the program allows us to use all or just some options. All the output is presented in three tables and plotted in two graphs rain vs. The reflections depend on density and seismic velocity contrasts.
Sections can highlight stratigraphic boundaries, tectonic features, dips, faults or Product overview:Most groundwater contamination problems can be attributed to either surface spills or leaks from surface or near surface storage tanks and facility operations. As a result, the behaviour of the contaminants in the unsaturated zone plays a critical role in the potential impact these spills will have on the groundwater system.
However, despite this fact, the vast majority of Ground water monitoring generally accumulates large amounts of data, which makes it difficult and time consuming to maintain an overview of the qualitative and quantitative development of your ground water resource. GW-Base is a powerful software solution specifically designed to help you handle your ground water data through a highly effective, yet easy-to-use, package of management analysis, The mass balance paradigm is an important new approach to evaluating Monitored Natural Attenuation MNA at chlorinated solvent sites.
By using the mass balance approach, site managers can demonstrate that the assimilative capacity of a particular system is either capable or incapable of managing the mass flux of chlorinated solvents emitted from a source zone. In addition, a detailed mass Web application that provides water managers reliable information about where, how and when water is available, what is its quality and how it is used.
This tool helps to improve water resource complex management. An adequate information management renders possible anticipation of necessities and then the implementation of appropriate preventive measures.
It is designed in compliance with By Geospatiumlab, S. AquiferTest is an easy-to-use software package for analyzing, interpreting and visualizing pumping and slug test data. Designed by hydrogeologists for hydrogeologists, AquiferTest delivers all the tools needed to accurately interpret data from all types of aquifers in all types of test EnviroInsite includes powerful tools for analysis and visualization of subsurface soils and stratigraphy. Detailed soil descriptions and stratigraphic interpretations are stored separately.