Is this the correct argument?. Without UI interaction, uninstallation should be done in background process. Please suggest where i have wen wrong? Please cross check the below command it will check whether product is available in the list. I have just gone few sites MSI package is available for google grome. The following command works for me but an UI has been displayed and the process continues only when i click Uninstall on the UI.
Is there any process that does not display the UI and continue with uninstalling the chrome in background process. If you use the corporate installer "MSI" installer for chrome it will replace all user copies with a global installation. You can then use the MSI to perform a silent uninstall. Can you please let me know how this can be done? Its of high priority right now to me.
Can you please tell me the powershell script for implementing this? My Problem got solved without deleting a folder and registry keys , i found out a solution for uninstalling Google Chrome from my machine in background process via PowerShell script without any UI Interaction.
The following is the script that i have implemented in my Power Shell script and it works like a charm in uninstalling the Google Chrome without any UI interaction. That is not any different from anything proposed above. I think you should spend mre time trying to understand how all of this works,. The Chrome which is installed on my machine is not an MSI. Yes you are right regarding uninstalling chrome via silent commands and switches and even i tried the below code for uninstalling but it didn't show chrome in the list.
Later on i tried to uninstall it through the registry keys based on 32 bit or 64 bit and it is working. Please let me know if you have any concerns. The script is not wrong it is just a compilation of what we have posted above. If it works you are set. You said you had a solution that did not require any of the scripts which is what we asked for you to share.
The commands that are used here are the ones suggested above but the path is being extracted from the registry which has nothing to do with your original question. The question you asked was how to make the uninstall silent.
Earlier versions of Chrome will no uninstall silently with these commands. If all versions installed are the newest version then it should work. I've not tested your script, but would like to know if this would also take care of "Google Update Helper"?
Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. We deploy Chrome with MSI and would not update with a newer version. The application log would have error Run reports to find out what versions of Chrome run in your environment, replace the version in the script or add extra lines if needed.
Sign up today to participate, stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Log in. How to uninstall any version Google chrome? Posted by: bstefan 7 years ago. Comments: Amazingly useful entry to know. The best way to uninstall chrome, thanks! Comments: This is by far the best answer, it uninstalls every version of chrome irregardless of the directory path : - EricSP 5 years ago. Posted by: piyushnasa 8 years ago.
Cheers, Piyush. Posted by: Randy Schuman 5 years ago. I created a universal Chrome uninstaller if anybody needs it. The script runs silent as most deployments need it this way. Just make sure the. If running local, just right click on the. Works on both 32 and 64 bit PCs. This works on single user exe, multiuser exe and enterprise msi. Ok, I was really hoping to find a simple script that I could run through psexec.
I downloaded PDQ deploy and have played with it a bit, but right off the bat my attempt to uninstall Chrome on one of our machines didn't work. I'll keep trying with PDQ, but if anyone has experience with this using command line via psexec, or even GPO, it would be very appreciated. It's not system wide, although it might be soon.
We use Avast pro as our client anti-virus almost all machines on the net are set to auto-update the anti-virus. Apparently, in their latest update, Chrome is bundled, much to my chagrin.
Probably should mention, on some of the clients, Chrome was installed intentionally, but most, not so much. The few we did intend to have it on need to keep it, which is why I wanted a script that I could run via psexec, allowing me to pick and choose. Get the remove.