The website provides three separate afterschool guides for math, technology and science with resources including lesson plans for program enrichment. Lastly, there are customizable tools to help afterschool providers plan, implement and assess STEM programming. It provides 10 mini-lessons for role models to help plan, structure and implement their visit with students. A resource to help communicators and advocates build public support for afterschool and summer STEM learning.
Get to know current legislation and take action! With science and technology being key drivers of economic growth, strengthening STEM education is a national priority. The Afterschool Alliance is working to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs. Afterschool programs are critical to children and families today, yet the need for programs is far from being met.
Learn more. Alliance Navigation. Curriculum and activities Assessment and evaluation Professional development Curriculum and activities. Assessment and evaluation. It provides a useful explanation of the goals of evaluation and tips for finding a professional evaluator to work with. Better Evaluation is an international collaboration focused on improving evaluation theory and practice through the development and sharing of resources.
Through this website you will find many useful resources and can receive guidance on how to choose, implement and manage your evaluations. Professional development. STEM News. December Resources from Million Girls Moonshot. Share your ideas for advancing equity in Science and Technology with the White House. Communication Resources A resource to help communicators and advocates build public support for afterschool and summer STEM learning.
Afterschool updates. Any time works for us, although we prefer multiple classes to be back to back with as little time between the two classes as possible to make it easier on our Professors. We are usually available any day of the week, and can book on short notice if needed.
Give us a ring! Our Professors, all trained by the Academy, are enthusiastic, experienced and knowledgeable. Every Professor that goes out into the world to spread science has gone through a strict hiring process and passed a thorough background check. Our training process includes 3 training and observed classes, 4 online training modules, background checks, observed classes, and multiple rounds of feedback before anyone steps foot in a classroom.
There is a reason we are known for our Professors - they love science and we love them. Ask us if you have any preferences on Professor for your school to see if we can accommodate. All of our classes and workshops are based off of the kinesthetic model, or learning by doing. We pack each lesson with hands on experiments and fun demonstrations with student interaction that teach keywords and scientific or engineering concepts through the action. All of our science classes end with a takehome and keyword stickers for students, and all of our engineering classes teach real engineering concepts each week and focus on designing, building, and testing creations.
This is our specialty! Because we focus so heavily on science and engineering, we have a lot of curriculum. If you watch this webinar, you will receive preference during the YSA Afterschool Grant review process; listen for the application link to use when we talk about the grant application towards the end of the webinar. As you work on your application, we recommend that you review the Youth Changing the World Toolkit or Semester of Service Toolkit and watch the Youth Changing the World training or Semester of Service training to help you answer the following questions.
Investigation: We recommend that you watch this segment of the Semester of Service training video and reference this section of the Youth Changing the World Toolkit or this section of the Semester of Service Toolkit to help you prepare your answers. This Youth Voice in Afterschool webinar discusses how afterschool and summer learning programs can provide the support and skills students want and need to raise their voices in public discourse and advocate for the issues and programs they care about.
Therefore, the presence of grants for after school programs is important because they encourage the development of these positive programs for our children.
The programs usually consist of various structured activities on a regular basis that gives the children opportunities to learn new skills, from technology to art. Based on various reports coming from reputable sources such as U. Given its many benefits, it is only natural that there are various ways to fund these programs, including grants for after school programs coming from the federal government and other private organizations or corporations.
You can see the list of the possible grant sources below:. There are grants awarded to and administered by the State Education Agencies. Therefore, each of the State manages its own grant fund for the best interest of their people. The grants are usually awarded to eligible organizations, which requirements can be seen from each of the State Education Agency. Note that there may be some differences in each state for these programs, so you may want to confirm the requirements for the related department or agency.