Some recommendations for the application of the experimental… Expand. View on IEEE. Save to Library Save. Create Alert Alert. Share This Paper. Background Citations. Methods Citations. Results Citations. Figures and Topics from this paper. Software engineering Experiment Synergy Automated planning and scheduling Interpretation logic Planning Software development process Futures studies Iterative method. Citation Type. Has PDF. Publication Type. More Filters. The role of experimentation in software engineering: past, current, and future.
View 1 excerpt, cites background. Empirical Software Engineering. Towards a framework for normative software engineering research. Software Engineering: An Emerging Discipline. Engineering, Computer Science. IBM Syst. The past, present, and future of experimental software engineering.
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. View 1 excerpt. His research interests include software requirement engineering, software product management, and empirical research on software engineering.
The revisions will make this book even more valuable. It is structured as a textbook, making it useful for an introductory graduate-level course or a fourth-year course at the undergraduate level.
Practitioners and experts will also benefit from this book, as they can use it as a starting point for more in-depth approaches. Benedicenti, Choice, Vol. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents. Advertisement Hide. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Experimentation in Software Engineering. The premiere book on how to systematically conduct and evaluate experiments in software engineering The authors are an experienced team of researchers and practitioners with more than eighty years of combined experience with empirical studies Self-contained presentation of experimentation and its process steps, and enriched by chapters on case studies and systematic literature reviews Includes supplementary material: sn.
Front Matter Pages i-xxiii. Front Matter Pages Pages Empirical Strategies. Systematic Literature Reviews. Case Studies. Experiment Process. Analysis and Interpretation. Presentation and Package. Experiment Process Illustration. Are the Perspectives Really Different? Back Matter Pages About this book Introduction Like other sciences and engineering disciplines, software engineering requires a cycle of model building, experimentation, and learning.