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Select from the options below for more information on each of the modules in the R2MS solution. Bulk Data Import Just as users can directly add all and any data into R2MS, to help speed up system implementation and uptake, the R2MS solution also provides for the bulk uploading and ongoing management of vehicle and driver data.

Manage Infringements. Vehicle Management. Despite the NDSF being acknowledged at the Summit meeting held at the CSIR on 22 March , as the official representatives and stakeholders of our industry, all our ongoing appeals to the RTMC and NDOT to go through the database of questions with them, with a view to remove the problematic questions, have been flatly ignored.

We have proof of ongoing efforts to eradicate them, but with no success. We question this, and also why a system has been permitted which does not have sufficient security checks in place. This defeats the anti-corruption aspect of the computerised tests completely, while failing legal pupils and favouring illegal tests!

SAIDI feels very strongly about this injustice! SAIDI feels this is totally unacceptable in a country where the road fatality rate far exceeds the official 14 average per year! What is going on, we must ask? Who has their hand in the cookie jar? Everybody is talking about this system with contempt. Why is something official not being done to stop this travesty of justice? K53 Learner and licence appointments, and rider and driver training school. Download eBooks, do online practice tests created by the recognised experts.

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