Opacity: Opacity. Most recent value. Click to activate map Based on data. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Neighborhood Map. Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses Search for: near:. Area: 2. Males: 15, Females: 19, This neighborhood: Average household size: Chestnut Hill: 2. Chestnut Hill: Here: Chestnut Hill: 8. Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over: Chestnut Hill: Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all: Chestnut Hill: 0.
Percentage of people born in this state: Here: Here: 1. Percentage of units with a mortgage: Chestnut Hill: Housing prices:.
Year house built in Chestnut Hill or later 0 to to 2, to to 2, to 3, to 2, to to 6, or earlier. Travel time to work commute Less than 5 minutes 5 to 9 minutes 10 to 14 minutes 15 to 19 minutes 1, 20 to 24 minutes 1, 25 to 29 minutes 1, 30 to 34 minutes 35 to 39 minutes 1, 40 to 44 minutes 3, 45 to 59 minutes 60 to 89 minutes 90 or more minutes Means of transportation to work Occupations of males:.
Here: 9. Here: 7. Here: 8. Here: 2. Here: 4. Here: 5. Here: 6. Occupations of females:. Percentage of people in Armed Forces: Chestnut Hill: 0. Education in this neighborhood subdivision or community :. Chestnut Hill: 3. Chestnut Hill: 4. Percentage of population below poverty level: Chestnut Hill: 6.
Median year owner moved in as recorded in : Chestnut Hill: Philadelphia: Chestnut Hill: Philadelphia: Percentage of married-couple families with both working: Chestnut Hill: Roads and streets:. Bethlehem Pike Stenton Ave. Length: 0. Highways in this neighborhood:. Germantown Ave. Length: 2.
W Gravers Ln. Length: 1. Ardleigh St. W Springfield Ave. Crefeld St. Cherokee St. W Willow Grove Ave. W Mermaid Ln. Rex Ave. Navajo St. St Martins Ln. Crittenden St. Seminole St. W Hartwell Ln. W Moreland Ave. Druim Moir Ln. Winston Rd. Shawnee St. Bethlehem Pike. Saint Andrews Rd. W Chestnut Hill Ave. Cresheim Valley Dr. Lincoln Dr. W Highland Ave. Norwood Ave. Prospect Ave. Huron St. E Willow Grove Ave. E Chestnut Hill Ave. Select a particular Philadelphia postcode to view a more detailed map and the number of Business, Residential, and PO Box addresses for that postcode.
The Residential addresses are segmented by both Single and Multi-family addessses. Postcode is located in the state of Pennsylvania in the Metro Philadelphia metro area as its shown in Philadelphia postcodes map. Postcode is primarily located in Philadelphia County.
Portions of postcode are contained within or border the city limits of Philadelphia, PA,. Postcode is within area code and area code The current unemployment level in is 9. Philadelphia postcodes map. You can find on this page the Philadelphia zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF.