Have a Question? Request Information. Support Center. Find an Office. Cookies and privacy Our website uses cookies delivered by us and by third parties. Accept All. Privacy Settings. Statistical cookies Toggle. Accertarsi che la modifica sia compatibile con lo schema di cablaggio utilizzato.
Accertarsi che la macro configurazione scelta sia compatibile con lo schema di cablaggio utilizzato. Questo parametro modifica le preregolazioni dei parametri: [Tensione nom. Se scompare una fase, il variatore passa in difetto [Perdita fase rete] IPL , ma se scompaiono 2 o 3 fasi, il. Potenza nominale motore indicata sulla targa motore, in kW se [Standard Mot. Non interrompere in alcun caso la seguenza di auto-tuning ed attendere che il display visualizzi " [Eseguito] dOnE " oppure " [No] nO ".
Questo parametro permette di invertire il senso di rotazione del motore senza dover invertire il cablaggio. Tempo necessario per accelerare da 0 alla [Freq. Accertarsi che questo valore. Tempo necessario per decelerare dalla [Freq. La preregolazione di base diventa pari a 60 Hz se [Standard freq.
Stati e valori interni del variatore vedere pagina Accesso alla configurazione ingresso o uscita selezionata: premere il tasto ENT. Welcome to ManualMachine. We have sent a verification link to to complete your registration. Log In Sign Up. Forgot password? Enter your email address and check your inbox. Please check your email for further instructions. Enter a new password. Schneider Electric. Evoluzioni del software Evoluzioni della versione V2. Evoluzioni della versione V3.
Terminale grafico Esempi di videate di configurazione:. Terminale grafico Prima messa sotto tensione - Menu [5. Scegliere la lingua desiderata e premere ENT. Modbus agg. Code Vedere pagina Accelerazione: 10 s Guadagno prop. Terminale integrato I variatori Altivar 71 di piccolo calibro consultare il catalogo integrano un terminale con display "7 segmenti" a 4 cifre digit.
Visualizzazione standard eccetto che nelle condizioni di guasto e di messa in servizio: - Accesso ai parametri dei menu Memorizzazione, registrazione della scelta visualizzata: ENT Menu Parametro Valore o configurazione 1 lampeggiamento registrazione Parametro successivo. Menu n mo ultimo Scelta di configurazioni multiple per un parametro. Allarme non selezionato I digit a lato indicano: una scelta selezionata, Allarme selezionato una scelta non selezionata.
Lo stesso principio viene utilizzato per tutte le scelte multiple. Struttura delle tabelle di parametri Le tabelle dei parametri contenuti nelle descrizioni dei diversi menu, possono essere gestite sia tramite terminale grafico, sia con terminale integrato. Esempio: 5 [1. Gruppi allarmi : Rif. AO1 : 9. AI51 : 0. AO51 : 0. Canale cmd. Input scanner Output scanner Code Quick. You can only view or download manuals with. Sign Up and get 5 for free.
Upload your files to the site. You get 1 for each file you add. This is the factory-set level. Access to 6 menus only, and access to all submenus in the [1. Access to all menus and submenus as for [Advanced] level, and access to additional parameters. Only one function can be assigned to. Only one function can be assigned to each input. Several functions can be assigned to each input. Several functions.
Basic bAS. Standard Std factory. Advanced AdU. Expert EPr. The parameter tables in the descriptions of the various menus can be used with both the graphic display terminal and the integrated display terminal. They, therefore, contain information for these two terminals in accordance with the description below. Function can be accessed for reference channel [Ref.
Name of menu on 4-digit 7-segment display. Submenu code on 4-digit 7-segment display. Parameter code on 4-digit 7-segment display. Parameter value on 4-digit 7-segment display. Name of menu on graphic display terminal. Name of submenu on graphic display terminal. Name of parameter on graphic display terminal.
Value of parameter on graphic display terminal. This is the macro configuration set at the factory. The configuration of certain parameters modifies the adjustment range of other parameters, in order to reduce the risk of errors. This may result in the modification of a factory setting or a value you have already selected. If [Switching freq. If you require 1.
The parameter code is displayed instead of its name while the key is held down. Then use the parameter code index, page , to find the page giving details of the displayed parameter. The [1. The parameters in this menu can only be modified when the drive is stopped and no run command is present, with the following exceptions:.
Note : The parameters of the [1. If a modification has previously been made to any of them, in particular in [1. Returning to the [1. Changes following modification of another configuration menu are not described , to avoid unnecessary complication in this section. Macro configuration provides a means of speeding up the configuration of functions for a specific field of application. Selecting a macro configuration assigns the parameters in this macro configuration.
Note: These assignments are reinitialized every time the macro configuration changes. No further modifications can be made to this parameter. Note: These assignments are forced every time the macro configuration changes, except for [Motor control type] Ctt for the Mast. Returning to factory settings with [Config. The master drive regulates the speed and controls the slave drive in torque mode to ensure distribution of the load. The following function will be returned to factory settings: [2 wire type] tCt page 89 as will all functions which assign logic inputs.
The macro configuration selected will also be reset it if has been customized loss of custom settings. Check that this change is compatible with the wiring diagram used.
Use] GEn : General use. Check that the selected macro configuration is compatible with the wiring diagram used. Read-only parameter, only visible if at least one macro configuration parameter has been modified. This parameter modifies the presets of the following parameters: [Rated motor volt. HSP page 44 , [Freq. If one phase disappears, the drive switches to fault mode [Input phase loss] IPL , but if 2 or 3 phases.
Rated motor power given on the nameplate, in kW if [Standard mot. The factory setting is 50 Hz, or preset to 60 Hz if [Standard mot. The factory setting is 60 Hz, or preset to 72 Hz if [Standard mot. If at least one of these parameters is modified after auto-tuning has been performed, [Auto tuning] tUn will return to [No] nO and must be repeated.
If a "freewheel stop" or "fast stop" function has been assigned to a logic input, this input must be set to 1 active at 0. Do not interrupt the process. Note: During auto-tuning the motor operates at rated current. This parameter can be used to reverse the direction of rotation of the motor without reversing the wiring. Motor thermal protection current, to be set to the rated current indicated on the nameplate. Time to accelerate from 0 to the [Rated motor freq. Make sure that this value is compatible.
Time to decelerate from the [Rated motor freq. Motor frequency at minimum reference, can be set between 0 and [High speed] HSP. The factory setting changes to 60 Hz if [Standard mot. Visualization of registers exchanged periodically 8 input and 8 output for integrated Modbus and for fieldbus cards. With graphic display terminal: Drive-internal states and values.
Frequency reference via the graphic display terminal can be accessed if the function has been. PID reference via graphic display terminal can be accessed if the function has been. Line voltage from the point of view of the DC bus, motor running or stopped.
Current date and time generated by the Controller Inside card can be accessed if the card has been. Words generated by the Controller Inside card can be accessed if the card has been inserted.